I am now 28. I had a great birthday. I had a girls night out to see New Moon. It was a lot of fun. I came home to roses on the porch, My favorite ice cream, and gifts, Oh and the house was really clean. I was surprised because Travis was in New York. He thinks of every thing. He is so thoughtful.
I got a text from him asking me if I thought my gift would match our bed spread. I went to look at the bed. He had come home early and pretty much freaked me out. We really missed him. He was my best birthday present. I also got a awesome backpack for my climbing gear and new running shoes. The kids decorated the house and surprised me. We had such a fun day.

We had a great thanksgiving. Liz cooked all the food. So of course everything tasted great. We went and played baseball after words. It has been a while since we have played baseball.
Lately we have been into rock climbing. We took Angie and her kids out. We like to go to Dixie rock. Again Kaley and Joe made it to the top. Joe was barefoot. Sometimes he would just have his two toes holding him up. Kaley is such a good climber. I remember when she was about 2 we went out. She was good at climbing then. She has so much upper body strength.