Thursday, November 11, 2010

The case of the hair do fairy

we know the story about the shoe maker and the elves. What happened to us was slightly different. We would wake up with beautiful hair do's. The first person to figure out the mystery was Kaley. She woke up at about three in the morning with her hair being tugged on and the lights on. she could only see the light barely because the hair do fairy had put a mask on her so she could see better and not wake Kaley up. The sleeping masks Dad had brought home from the airport. Sure enough when she took of the mask it was Lainey. She is so funny she has such a hair obsession. I wake up all the time with my hair done only half of it of course because of the way I'm sleeping. Ever since she was a baby she would play with my hair all night long. I loved it. So if anyone wants a gorgeous hair do come to our house and just fall asleep.


Vicki said...

Haley that is hilarious!

em&m said...

hahaha! I love it! I'd love to come over for a nap!

jayandminalyn said...

That is so funny, but I can see her doing that. She is so cute

The Framptons said...

that is funny, very well told.