Superman and Super Girl also known as Levi and Jamie
Arianna (the turtle) was so scared of Travis as you can see he is pretty scary.
Taylor is optimus prime, Travis is Dracula, Kaley ciderella, and Alaina as tinkerbell.
Joe as jack sparow, lorrianna barbie princess.
If you can't tell Jack is the one on the right spooky.
Zed and Alise (cave man and his women). He was so funny. He said, "forget it I am not wearing that". Alise got 2 ladies dresses at DI and transformed them into costumes, the thing that sealed the deal is that he got to wear little heads around his neck.
Danne as poison ivy, Angie as batgirl. Both are costumes Danne made she is so talented, What hotties
Amber did such a great job. We all had a blast. I should have taken a picture of the food. It was delicios but it looked so gross. That was one of the funest haloweens i have had in a long time. It amkes you feel like a kid again with all of us dressing up.
Zed the cave man, Ammon the pimp, Levi the backstreet boy, and Michael as casanova.