While we were in California we figured we would go to Disneyland.The last time we were there was Taylor was 5 months old. It was a ton of fun watching the kids enjoy the experience. Actually I think me and Laney were the most exited, the others would go to bed and me and Laney would go back for more. My Favorite ride is Soring over California. It is beautiful and exhilarating. you really feel like you are hang gliding and i love how you can smell the orchard. My other favorite rides were, The Tower of Terror, and Splash Mountain witch we rode about 10 times in a row, there were no lines so we just stayed in the log and kept going. The other ride we rode in a row was the roller coaster, not by my choice the kids loved it. By the third go around i was ready to throw up. Talk about fun.
Kaley hanging out in Mickey's living room.
Flying through never never land with tinker bell.
Be Mindful
2 days ago