A couple of interesting things happened today in church. Laney gave a talk. It was going to be about things we could do to be more like Jesus. So she was just going to read Ari's favorite book and song I'm trying to be like Jesus. Instead she sang it. It was so cute after she was done there was a unanimous "GOOD JOB"!! And one Kid clapped a little bit. It was very cute
Our class in church was on music in our lives and in our home. They asked us all to think of a time that music has comforted us or helped us. Tears came to my eyes. My first thought is of the day Arianna passed. We asked people to pray and fast that she would not be scared. In the past when we would talk to her about passing she would get a little upset. She did not want to leave her Dad and Mom. Before she went I knew she was ready and I knew she was done being sick. She was happy to be going to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus. I do not think she was upset or scared.
The two things I wanted were, for her to not die in the hospital and also for her to be in my arms, her favorite place in the world. I did not get the first. When we told the doctors of my other wish. They said ok but we have to do it soon because she is fading fast and won't hold out much longer. That day I had four of her favorite songs playing in a loop. Baby Mine, I'm trying to be like Jesus, Twinkle Twinlke little Star, and a song off of Tangled. Baby mine was her FAVORITE and in the past I would sing it to her when she was hurting or falling asleep. That day all her family got to hug and kiss her and tell her good bye. It was a very peaceful, beautiful day. when she took her last few breaths. The song Baby Mine was playing and I sang it to my baby for the last time and I had my hand on her chest and i felt her heart beat for the last time. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I felt the spirit very strong. I think music can be a very powerful thing for comfort and peace. I hope having music there that day helped her feel peace and not be scared along with a lot of other things. I love and miss her so much.
A couple other things about music and Ari. Her Singing the Z song on starfall and going ahhh, when the little girls hair went crazy. She had the most beautiful voice and she loved music. She would just start singing every once in a while. One night one of the nurses came in and She heard me singing and thought I was singing to Ari but I actually was sleep singing. It gave her a pretty good laugh. To try to keep our spirits up I would fall asleep thinking good thoughts and counting my blessings and apparently it would get me singing
Be Mindful
4 weeks ago